Every mineral licence/permit issued by the Department of Natural Resources is given a number. In the NovaScan database, Licence Numbers are found only in assessment reports, property reports and occasionally in open file reports
Development Licences, Exploration Licences (which include Prospecting Licences), Petroleum Licences and Mining Permits use a four or five digit number, occasionally followed by a letter
Mining Leases and Special Licences use a numbering system unique to each licence type, which involves the year of issue and a sequential number
Development Licences are of the form: 0009, 0022, 0022A, 0115
Exploration Licences (including Prospecting Licences) are of the form: 0007, 0016, 0100, 9375, 00009, 00040, 00137, 01169, 01494A
Petroleum Licences are of the form: 0001, 0015, 0174, 0565
Mining Leases are of the form Year (last 2 digits) - Number: 73-1, 73-1-A, 93-2
Mining Permits are of the form: 0009, 0018, 0037
Special Licences are of the form Number/Year (last 2 digits): 1/02, 4/84, 6/96
Enter your number in the Licence Number search window
e. g. 0009, 0022A, 73-1, 1/02
Your search is executed when you click the Search and Display button